At Greater Longview United Way, we are committed to improving the lives of individuals and families in our community. By partnering with local nonprofits and volunteers, we help to address some of the most pressing issues facing our region, including education, health, and financial stability.
But we can't do it alone. That's where you come in. By making a planned gift to Greater Longview United Way, you can help ensure that our work continues for generations to come.
It's easy to make a legacy gift to United Way. Popular options include:
Will or Living Trust Gifts:
A bequest provision can be included in your will when you draft it or as a codicil amending your existing will. This arrangement provides you with flexibility and control should your circumstances change. You can designate an exact amount, an asset, or a percentage of the assets in your estate.
Retirement Plan or Life Insurance Gifts:
You can select United Way as a beneficiary of a portion or any balances remaining in your retirement or life insurance plans. This includes qualified charitable distributions (QCD) from an IRA. The QCD allows donors 70½ or older to transfer up to $100,000 directly from their IRA to United Way on an annual basis.
Securities Gifts:
Use publicly traded securities or other appreciated assets to make your gift to United Way. Donating assets with a low cost basis often result in significant tax advantages in comparison to a cash gift.
If you are interested in making a planned gift to Greater Longview United Way, we would be happy to help. We can also provide information on the various types of planned gifts available and how they can benefit both you and our community.
Thank you for considering a planned gift to Greater Longview United Way. Together, we can continue to make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.
Additional Information: Bequest Language and list of Estate Documents
For more information, please contact Evan Dolive at edolive@longviewunitedway.org.