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INFOline of Gregg County is a free community Information and Referral Service... a bridge between people who need assistance and the agencies that can address different needs such as:
- Adolescents & Youth
- Child Care
- Domestic Violence
- Families & Parenting
- Food Assistance
- Housing
- Hotline Numbers
- Legal Services
- Medical
- Mental Health
- Senior Citizens Services
- Services for Persons with Disabilities
- Substance Abuse
- Support Groups
- Transportation
- and so much more...
INFOline has specialists who can help you find the human services to meet your needs. You can call us Monday - Thursday from 8 am to 5 pm and Friday from 8 am - 4 pm. If you cannot find what you are looking for, need more information, or want to speak to a person, please call INFOline of Gregg County at 903-236-9211. We will be happy to assist you!