Our Vision
Meet the basic needs of people, enhance their ability to build assets, become self-sufficient, and attain a better quality of life.
American Red Cross Serving East Texas
Emergency Services
The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors. Their emergency programs provide services through Disaster Services and Services to the Armed Forces.
Emergency Services provides all services at no cost to Longview community members -24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. They do this by arming our community with preparedness knowledge and tools so that when homes fires and disasters strike. In the aftermath of disasters, The Red Cross addresses immediate, disaster-caused needs and helps survivors begin their next steps to recovery.
Services to the Armed Forces are provided by a network of volunteers, donors, and partners which offers unwavering support to military members, their families and veterans before, after, and during deployments. The Red Cross offers courses to help our military members and their families gain resiliency and strengthen their ability to respond to challenges they may encounter during the deployment cycle. When a military family experiences an emergency, they are the only agency that officially verifies these events. They contact doctors, hospitals, and when necessary, funeral homes and deliver confirmation to the military member’s command.
Community Healthcore
Fredonia Rapid Rehousing
The Fredonia Rapid Rehousing program is a grant, funded by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), that provides supportive housing services to families experiencing homelessness. Participant households must meet income requirements and the Head of Household must have a diagnosed mental health condition. Supportive Housing includes rental assistance (rent, security deposit, application fees, rental arrears, utility deposit, utility arrears) and case management. Assistance is provided based on the individual needs of the family, but the maximum timeframe is 24 months. Participants also have access to the broader array of mental health services offered through Community Healthcore - such as psychosocial rehabilitation, medication management, counseling, substance use services, and crisis services.
Youth Transition Center
ETCADA/ D.O.R.S. Youth Transition Center exists to facilitate multiple needs of homeless and at-risk young people in poverty. The center connects young people with a myriad of services to address and overcome all barriers and obstacles so they can choose the right ‘door’ for a successful future. Staff assists young people with one-on-one case management to develop a Transition Plan that can include a variety of types of training, education, and career readiness. The center’s focus is on developing job skills, financial literacy, gainful employment, career path for employment improvement, and learning the importance of earning a living to gain independence. Addressing barriers to success may require trauma counseling, securing funding to support the whole program, overseeing operations and programs to ensure quality services meet regulatory guidelines.
Longview Community Ministries
Emergency Rental Assistance
Longview Community Ministries provides one-time-only emergency rental assistance to Longview residents in need. Applicants may not be benefiting from any type of subsidized housing or live in a tax credit property. Applicants must undergo an interview, whereby the property ownership is verified and the landlord is contacted to verify that the family will not face eviction within thirty days.
Food Box
LCM provides supplemental food once monthly to families in need. Proof of Longview residency is required unless the East Texas Food Bank determines that emergency food distribution is necessary. Transient bags or T-bags, (foods not requiring cooking), are available twice monthly. T-bags are for individuals that are mobile and contents are smaller amounts than boxes. Outreach bags are available for distribution by community volunteers to supply one balanced meal to panhandlers and families on the streets. Perishable boxes are given to all families who receive a food box and are filled with fresh produce, dairy, deli, frozen food items, and meat products. The program also provides monthly boxes of infant formula and baby foods and dog and cat food to families with pets.
Incremental Housing Assistance Program (IHAP)
Longview Community Ministries provides rent/mortgage assistance through its Incremental Housing Assistance Program (IHAP) for Longview residents. Applicants may have not received emergency rent/mortgage assistance from Longview Community Ministries within the last two years. The IHAP program provides supplemental rental assistance over a four-month period. To receive each month’s assistance and remain in the program, the applicant must attend monthly financial management classes.
Meals with Love
Meals With Love delivers meals five days a week to persons home-bound or unable to prepare meals for themselves. Typical recipients are elderly and disabled persons living in their own homes. Eligibility is not based on income.
Utility Assistance
LCM assists Longview households with utilities as follows (maximum amount of assistance is provided): • Electric ($100) • Water ($50) • Gas ($50) Policy requires that the utility company is contacted to verify the amount due. Further requirements provide that the client show proof of ability to pay the remainder of the amount due. No disconnect notice is required; however, the bill must be within five days of the due date.
Northeast Texas Habitat for Humanity
Self-Help Home Ownership Program
The Self-Help Homeownership Program is the primary program of Northeast Texas Habitat (NETHFH). Northeast Texas Habitat partners with low-income families living in inadequate, unsafe, unaffordable, and/or overcrowded housing to build simple, safe, and decent homes. The community provides volunteerism and donations in construction labor, professional services, money, and materials to construct the homes in a cost-efficient manner. Once completed, the home is sold to the family with a long-term affordable mortgage loan.
Regional East Texas Food Bank
Longview Resource Cemter
The Longview Resource Center (LRC), a multi-service branch of ETFB, expands access to healthy food and resources for low-income households in an area of high need within the city of Longview. The resources provided at this facility include a Healthy Food Pantry; a Benefits Assistance Program to help clients apply for SNAP and other social service benefits; and access to additional wrap-around services.
The Salvation Army
Emergency Food and Shelter
The Salvation Army has a 58-bed shelter that houses men, women, and children for up to six months. Lunch and dinner are provided, as are toiletries, and laundry. Clients are expected to search for employment during their stay if they are eligible for work. Bus passes are provided for those who need them to get to work. Clients can request single-day passes for job interviews. Clients have the option to join their Pathway of Hope program, in which they will receive full case management, with the intent of helping them discover and overcome the obstacles that are keeping them in the poverty cycle.