

Be a Pacesetter!

The Pacesetters are a group of local businesses and organizations that conduct workplace campaigns before the annual United Way Campaign kick-off in September. Through their hard work, Pacesetter companies lead the way to a successful campaign in our community.

Why Be a Pacesetter?

  • Enjoy dedicated staff and volunteer assistance in conducting your United Way campaign. In 2021-2022, Campaign Chair Joey Maples, Campaign Co-Chair Nikki Davis and Pacesetter Chair Chris Davis, along with United Way staff, will encourage and support Pacesetters and their fundraising efforts.
  • Being a Pacesetter shows that your firm is a LEADER in your industry AND in the community.
  • Being a Pacesetter earns your firm significant MEDIA EXPOSURE. Every Pacesetter is included in campaign press releases, website and social media, the Campaign Kick-Off and Campaign Celebration.
  • Being a Pacesetter is EFFICIENT. Pacesetter firms conduct their campaigns during a very specific time frame so that you can still support the community and quickly return to the business of running your firms.

We invite YOU to be a Pacesetter!